Available worldwide on
Start your divorce right
Live Instagram conversation with Jill Barnett Kaufman on the most costly mistakes people make at the start of their divorce (36 minutes)
How collaborative law can help you divorce better
Podcast with guest Suzanne Kingston, Collaborative Lawyer (17 minutes)
Tips for financing your divorce
Podcast with Rhea Family Finance (18 minutes)
The importance of setting divorce goals
Advice video
The G.P.S. to telling your partner you want to separate
Contract de mariage français vs prenup anglais
Podcast avec Victoria Plisson, avocate au barreau de Paris (23 minutes)
Divorce myths and facts
Live event with Jill Barnett Kaufman
Telling your children about the divorce
Selecting the right family lawyer for your divorce or separation
Podcast with Claire Wood, International Family Solicitor (22 minutes)
Myth: I need my spouse's consent to get a divorce
Myth busert video
Is there such a thing as Divorce Contagion?
Podcast with Jackie Philossoph, founder of Divorced Girl Smiling (16 minutes)
Comment l'expatriation impacte le couple
Podcast avec Cécile Chaban, Conseillère Conjugale (42 minutes)
Comprendre et gérer le sentiment de culpabilité pendant un divorce
Podcast avec Stéphanie Mattioni, psychothérapeute (33 minutes)
The importance of entering divorce with the right expectations
Divorce Coaching: The Latest Trend in Separation
Article for Female First
How to tell your spouse you want a divorce
The Divorce Magazine
Understanding the grounds for divorce in England and Wales
Blog article
Myth: It's best to tell the children once we have it all figured out
Myth buster blog
Tips for choosing the best divorce jurisdiction
How to get a quick divorce
Article on Frolo.com
Myth: We need to spend lots of money on lawyers to get divorced
Myth: Amicable divorce is only possible if we agree on everything
Myth: The terms of our divorce will be determined by the Law
The C.I.C. rule for effective communication during divorce conflict
Myth: I will get a better divorce outcome because my ex cheated on me
The many benefits of amicable divorce
Amicable divorce options to avoid going to court
The 3 ingredients to succeed at getting divorced amicably
The Amicable Divorce Network website
How to end a divorce peacefully
Article for The Divorce Magazine
Options for Financing Your Divorce in the UK
Free relationship quiz
Get a divorce: Check you can get a divorce
UK Government Legal Aid
Child Maintenance Service Calculator
Child centered divorce website
Refuge, charity helping women victims of abuse
Respect, charity for all victims of abuse
ManKind Initiative, charity helping men victims of abuse
Galop charity for LGBTQ+ victims of abuse
Predicting Divorce: Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, & Stonewalling
Se marier en France et s'expatrier au Royaume-Uni peut avoir une incidence sur le régime matrimonial (frenchmorning.com)
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