Tips for choosing the best divorce jurisdiction

( when you have the choice!)

Here are a few tips for those of you going through international divorce. If you were married abroad or you live abroad or one of you is a foreigner, you may have a choice of jurisdiction and that's not a decision you want to take lightly.

The first thing you'll want to do is speaker to a lawyer in each of the possible jurisdictions to understand which might be most favourable to you and how they compare.

But beyond the legal considerations, here are some things you will want to consider when making that decision:

  1. First of all, think about the divorce culture. Different countries have different cultures when it comes to divorce. In England for example, judges are very focused on amicable resolution and they strongly
    encourage couples to go to mediation before hearing their cases. Other countries are much more litigious. So do your research and look back at your divorce goals to make sure that you're choosing
    the jurisdiction that best aligns to your values and to how you want your divorce to go.
  2. Second, look at the divorce costs. Build a budget for each jurisdiction. Lawyers don't cost the same everywhere. Court fees are not the same everywhere. Understand properly what the implications are of each jurisdiction when it comes to the costs.
  3. And finally, do your homework. Look into the divorce rules in each country. Some countries require long waiting periods, others don't allow no fault divorce. Others still require you to have been married a number of years before you can proceed. So make sure you understand what those rules are and understand which ones work best for your specific situation so you can make an informed decision.
Tips for choosing the best divorce jurisdiction

Video version:

Podcast on choosing the right divorce jurisdiction:
