The preparation stage of a divorce can be incredibly stressful, you are truly about to make a life-changing decision. This is also a time that will allow you to formulate a vision for your new life post divorce and start to feel hope for a happier life afterwards. You may also want to start planning for the divorce and getting yourself organised emotionally and logistically at this stage.
Need help deciding whether to divorce or separate?
I work with my clients to support them through the decision-making process, helping them gather the information they need to be able to make an informed decision and understand its possible ramifications, but also exploring alternatives to divorce if the relationship still has a chance of surviving.
Not sure how to initiate the process?
The first step will be to assemble the right divorce team. I will help you decide which professionals you want to work with given your divorce objectives and share with you my extensive list of global professional contacts. Together, we can discuss how to select the right team for your divorce.
Wondering how to tell your spouse and children?
It is essential to carefully prepare for how you will tell your spouse or partner about your decision as this will set the tone for the rest of the divorce.
Similarly, the way you position the divorce or separation with your children will have a significant impact on how they react and feel about it now, and in the future.
Unsure how to prepare for the divorce or separation?
Together, we will work through the information you might want to gather and logictical arrangements you can make to be prepared on day one, no matter how your spouse or partner reacts to the news.
Coaching clients globally via Zoom or in person in West London
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