I am a single mum to 2 pre-teen girls and have been helping people through the challenges of separation since my own divorce nearly 10 years ago. I was born in Paris to a French father and an American mother. I have been living in London for 15 years and am an active member of the expat community.
I have personally experienced divorce twice, in two very different ways. The first time was when my children’s father and I divorced after 6 years of marriage. It was by far the easiest divorce scenario I’ve ever encountered: we both agreed to the divorce, we owned no property or assets and earned exactly the same amount. This straightforward context, along with effective communication, contributed greatly to us finding an agreement easily, spending a total of £1000 on a joint lawyer. My ex then moved into a house down the street and we started our new lives.
My second experience with divorce, surprisingly, was with the same person! We had been divorced about 5 years when he suddenly moved abroad without warning. Needless to say, this iteration of the financial and child arrangements negotiations was a lot less amicable. We struggled with decisions about jurisdiction of course, but what caused the most issues was the total lack of direct communication and trust between us. Tens of thousands of pounds later on both sides, we ended up with an agreement that we probably could have achieved by simply sitting down together and discussing the new situation.
Given my story, I guess it is not surprising that friends (and friends of friends) have been coming to me for years asking for advice and guidance on their divorce. My decision to become a Non Court Dispute Resolution professional and Certified Divorce Coach® came to life after several of these people told me that they never would have managed to get through their divorce without me. I therefore decided to dedicate my time to something particularly purposeful to me: supporting others through one of the most difficult and stressful life transitions they will likely ever experience.
Short video: what I do and how I can help you
Mieux comprendre mon parcours et mes services: extrait d'interview en Live sur Instagram avec Expatez-Vous
Understanding the guiding principals behind my approach to a successful divorce
An overview of my journey and how I help women through divorce. Speaking at the Fabulous After 50 virtual retreat
My skills as a Divorce and Separation Coach have earned me a spot on the Coach Foundation's list of top coaches.
Coaching clients globally via Zoom or in person in West London
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