Chloe O. is very pleased to have partnered with Mediation Matters Midlands in supporting clients through the peaceful resolution of their divorce arrangements.
Katy Harris is a qualified and successful Family Law and Civil Mediator, with an Honours degree in Law and two mediation practices in the UK. She promotes mediation as an alternative dispute resolution and brings considerable energy, knowledge and compassion to her practice. She wholly believes in the opportunities that mediation offers, allowing clients to remain in control of their decisions, resolve conflict, move forward with their lives and importantly, avoid unnecessary, stressful, and expensive court proceedings.
In her work as a Family Mediator, Katy conducts mediations on all issues, including children, finances and property. She has a comprehensive knowledge of family law and experience as a Child Development Consultant, allowing her to specialise in child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing and remain focused on the children in child arrangement cases.
Katy is incredibly passionate about her work and believes wholly in resolving disputes amicably; so much so she has a leading role in and is a Founding Coach in the Teen Mediation International Initiative.
Coaching clients globally via Zoom or in person in West London
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