Moving on after divorce with strength and confidence

Article published on the The Greenhouse blog

“How will I ever recover from my divorce?” is by far the most common question I get asked by my clients. Here’s some news for you: your divorce doesn’t have to break you. While there is no denying the heartbreak and tsunami of changes that come with ending a marriage, this is also a wonderful opportunity to reshape your life and redefine what truly matters to you. Coming out of your divorce feeling strong and confident will allow you to be fully equipped for this new adventure.

Needless to say, of course, that the less conflictual the divorce, the less destructive it will be for everyone involved. Considering Non Court Dispute Resolution (NCDR) options early on in the divorce process can help avoid unnecessary litigation and reduce the amount of warmongering that will unfold as you untangle your lives. But even for those who manage to divorce more peacefully, this type of life transition can leave former spouses feeling like they have somehow failed. Here are a few tips to help you regain that spring in your step and to move on faster after divorce.

Moving on from divorce with strength and confidence