Myth buster: We don't need to put things on paper because we get on well

I can't tell you how often people come into my office years after getting divorced and tell me that they have problems with their ex because the agreements they made back in the day were never written down. 

They find themselves years later, with circumstances that have evolved and also memories that have failed, and they don't know what they agreed to anymore.

No matter how well you get on with your ex, how smoothly the divorce goes, make sure you put things in writing. It is not because it's in writing that it has to be inflexible. You can change it later on. You can agree to flex when need be, but at least you have a baseline that you can refer back to that documents how you agreed to proceed both financially and with regards
to the children.

So put things on paper.

It doesn't mean it's not an amicable divorce.

It doesn't mean you don't trust your ex.

It just means you're ensuring for posterity's sake that you are both on the same page with regards to the arrangements you've made.

Video version:

Myth buster: We don't need to put things on paper because we get on well